hunter bland on his competition angling boat

Survival Stories 01: The Unexpected

It wasn’t his first rodeo. Or his fiftieth.

An experienced and competitive angler, Hunter Bland knew his way around a boat, and a competition fishing day.

But just a couple miles into the start of a college tournament in 2017, something completely unexpected unfolded.

Hunter had his PFD on. Both him and his co-pilot made it out alive.

Since this incident, and through his progression onto the Pro circuit, Hunter’s become an active safe boating advocate - with a focus on PFDs and how they can save your life.

The PFD’s fighting the same fight as the helmet

Breaking the stigma around inconvenience and a lack of comfort, and fighting to be seen for its ability to enhance your time on the water, and keep you safe if something happens.

Because it’s not about vanity. It’s about life. And being prepared for anything your time on the water throws your way.

Plus, with the way fabric technology has evolved and how smart engineering has made PFDs minimal in profile and incredibly powerful in buoyancy, they’re more comfortable than ever, stay completely out of your way, and give you everything you want in flotation when you need it most.

Whatever your marine adventure, a PFD’s what’s going to have your back when something goes sideways. And if you don’t have it on, it can’t go to work for you.

No matter your level of experience, you can’t predict the unexpected.

And with so many options that make comfort a core component, give you flexibility in the way the deployment works, and offer nearly endless choice in the level of buoyancy best suited to your endeavours...really, there’s no excuse not to wear one.

hunter bland during a angling competition


And be the one to start the trend towards always wearing a PFD - in any, and every, marine adventure. #WEARIT

Do you have a personal story of a time where wearing a PFD saved your life, or the life of someone close to you? Send us your save stories at  so we can share them with our marine community, and rally more people to #wearit and practice safe boating and water habits. 

Explore your options. 

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