A voyage of three halves
A unique sailing trip consisting of three legs: from the Orkneys of Scotland to Greenland, along the west coast of Greenland, and through the Northwest Passage to British Columbia.
A unique sailing trip consisting of three legs: from the Orkneys of Scotland to Greenland, along the west coast of Greenland, and through the Northwest Passage to British Columbia.
They’re brave, bold, and courageous. They dive into any situation that calls for support. That, in a nutshell, is the mark of a public safety and emergency response team.
A particular set of them—those in swift water rescue—have a bond that’s unlike others. It spans state lines, borders between countries and was forged out of a drysuit.
Part of Mustang Survival’s story Is rooted in front line defense. Gearing up some of the world’s most elite operators, we’ve worked to create flotation and drysuit solutions for military professionals since the 1970s.
Which is why days like Memorial Day become special times of reflection and appreciation for the selfless work of those individuals exploring and defending our coastlines, and our freedom.